Project ID: 257

DescriptionResearch into infamous stamp forger Jean de Sperati & his hand printing press. The RPSL has Sperati's printing press and a set of his forged stamps. Research included understanding his complex techniques, his life and background and getting his printing press working
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerRoyal Philatelic Society
Year started2014
Source of referenceSLP Newsletter Dec 13
OutputA display about his work was given at 41 Devonshire Place and was so well received that it was extended by one month.
NotesThe project and display led to a donor in USA giving the society some of Sperati's personal possessions including his special magnifying spectacles and framed examples of his work. Also at the London International Stamp exhibition in May 2015 the Sperati printing press was demonstrated using the work undertaken by the U3A.