Project ID: 643

DescriptionStem Cell Research This is a brief overview of “the State of the Art” regarding stem cells and their role in medicine in the 21st century, introducing what stem cells are and where they originate. Stem cell classification covers totipotent, pluripotent and multiple potent stem cells and their origins. What adult and embryonic stem cells including cord blood cells can provide to medicine is covered and the stem cell bank and some of the diseases potentially helped by treatment with stem cells is discussed. The talk includes the challenges posed by an ageing population and the use of stem cells in diseases that are becoming more prevalent, as the life expectancy of individuals increases, e.g. Parkinson’s disease with all its associated morbidity. Where research is likely to develop next for stem cells concludes the presentation.
Medical and Health
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ALancaster & Morecambe U3A
Year started2017
Source of referenceTalk given at the U3A Science Network Meeting, Nottingham, 2017
NotesWilling to give this talk to other U3As