Project ID: 688

DescriptionHenry Hetherington and the Paupers' Press - Henry had trained as a printer with Luke Hansard and by 1822 was able to set up his own printing and book-selling business. Throughout the 1820s he was already involved in cooperative and radical movements. In particular, he supported the early London Cooperative bodies based on the ideas of Robert Owen, including the London Mechanics’ Institute (now Birkbeck College, University of London). From 1830 to 1835 he published newspapers priced at one penny, first the Penny Papers for the People (a daily published from 1830 – 31) then the Poor Man’s Guardian (a weekly published from July 1831 to December 1835). Hetherington made clear his intention to defy the tax, giving the paper a heading saying “Published contrary to ‘law’ to try the power of ‘might’ against ‘right’ . . . . ..
TopicsSocial history
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
Year started2017
Source of
NotesThis is part of a blog linked to the Citizens Project at Royal Holloway College - see file card 547 for details