Project ID: 722

DescriptionThe All Adenomas Study aims to examine the long-term risk of bowel cancer and the requirement for regular bowel examinations in patients diagnosed with adenomas, which are benign (non-cancerous) polyps
TopicsMedical and Health
TypeExternal research (U3A as research assistants)
U3AIndividual U3A members, London, acting on request received by the U3A
Organization/partnerImperial College, London
Year started2017
Source of referenceRequest to U3A London Region from researcher
NotesParticipants will be expected to attend up to 5 meetings for the study, for which we will provide any help and support needed. There is also an opportunity to have a role in the Trial Steering Committee meeting. Team members will be involved in designing and facilitating a small group workshop, reviewing and discussing preliminary study results, and helping to develop a communication plan to disseminate study results. Training will be provided throughout.