Project ID: 784

DescriptionFIT for Screening study - to find Patient and Public Representatives with the Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group (CSPRG). The CSPRG are particularly interested in involving individuals in our research who have an interest in the area of bowel cancer screening. The length of involvement will be one year initially and reviewed annually. The Patient and Public Representatives (PPR) will be:  Involved in reviewing research materials e.g. study protocol, grant applications and plain English summaries.  Expected to attend up to two workshops.  Providing advice to CSPRG researchers to ensure that patient and public involvement (PPI) is included throughout the study. There is also an opportunity for PPRs to have a role in the Trial Steering Committee meeting and Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, if they wish. Full training and support will be provided throughout the involvement by the CSPRG
TopicsMedical and Health
TypeExternal research (U3A as research assistants)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerImperial College, London
Year started2018
Source of referenceRequest to U3A London Region from researcher
NotesThe Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group (CSPRG) is an internationally renowned research group based at Imperial College London. Our research focus is bowel cancer screening, surveillance and diagnosis. Through our research we hope to help make bowel cancer screening and surveillance programmes more effective and acceptable for participants and more efficient for the NHS.