Project ID: 844

DescriptionFor the 3 million people living in slums in post-war Britain, the refrain that “they had never had it so good” was an insult. Families were living in single rooms with no bathroom, sharing toilets and cooking facilities with multiple other residents. The housing was often substandard, with no foundations and crawling with vermin. Paying extortionate rents, they were exploited by rogue landlords and lived with the daily fear of eviction. One man, the Reverend Bruce Kenrick, was moved by their plight, inspired a group of like-minded people to take action against the appalling housing conditions in post-war Notting Hill. He established the Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) and co-founded the homeless charity, Shelter.
TopicsSocial history
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
Organization/partnerRoyal Holloway College
Year started2018
Source of referenceCitizens 800 website
NotesThis is one of number of SLPs linked to the Citizens project at Royal Holloway College - see file card 547 for details
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