Project ID: 858

DescriptionWorking together on a project to capture memories and create an audio archive. Buxton’s ‘Present from the Past’ project will capture sound-bites and snap-shots of the town and bring the rich history of Buxton and surrounding area to life.
Social history
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ABuxton U3A
Organization/partnerDerbyshire Record Office
Source of referenceFrom archivist at Derbyshire Record Office. 
Further information from
OutputThe memories collected will be deposited at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery and the Derbyshire Record Office and be part of the Collections in the Landscape project at the Museum as well as help inform the development of the Buxton Crescent and Spa Heritage Experience.
NotesA selection of the fascinating recollections including the 2 on the homepage recollecting the closure of the library in 1992 and memories of the Natural Baths in the early 1950’s, will also be used in tours of the town for local people, visitors and tourists and play a part in future research, education and schools projects.