Project ID: 911

DescriptionCan you read Pitman Shorthand? The GNM Archive, part of the Guardian Foundation charity is asking for help from U3A members who can read Pitman shorthand. The Archive collects, preserves and makes accessible records of the Guardian and Observer newspapers. It has acquired the unique collection of Clyde Sanger, the Guardian’s first Africa correspondent, reporting for the newspaper between 1960 and 1965. Clyde’s papers include around 130 notebooks mostly covering his work in Central, Southern and Eastern Africa. Many are partially written in Pitman shorthand, which the archivists (and most researchers) can't read! U3A members have so much experience and expertise that the archivists hoped to find anyone who might be willing to transcribe the shorthand text.
TopicsSocial history
TypeExternal research (U3A as research assistants)
Year started2019
Source of referenceNational Newsletter July 2019
TAM No 45  Feb 2021   p37
NotesProject will be written up on the Guardian's archive website