Project ID: 956

DescriptionNHS at 70: The story of Our Lives an oral history project
TopicsSocial history
TypeExternal research (U3A as research assistants)
U3AIndividual U3A members, East Midlands, acting on request received by the U3A
Organization/partnerThe University of Mancester
Year started2019
Source of referenceTo create a more diverse and inclusive history of the NHS than currently exists. The NHS was created in 1948 to provide free and universal access to healthcare and is a key institution of post-war British everyday life. The lived experiences of workers, patients, volunteers and the public encapsulate a unique part of UK post-war social and health history. But the histories of many communities of patients and workers are absent from existing work. By making the history of the NHS more diverse and inclusive we will produce a shared national story about the NHS for everyone that can be taken into the future and benefit national and international audiences.
Several U3A members from Nottingham were given oral history training to enable them to  record stories from people treated by or employed in any part of the NHS over the past 71 years. The recordings formed part of the NHS at 70 database.