Project ID: 957

DescriptionSheffield Oral History project - 12 volunteers from Sheffield U3A met with 70 pupils (age 13/14) from two schools in the Sheffield University History Department. Mini lecture on historical resources. Children asked from history who they would like to interview and what would they ask ? Techniques of interviewing orally. Children in tables of 6 interviewed our volunteers about their life as teenager in the 1960’s. Report back to the room about most interesting facts.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ASheffield U3A
Organization/partnerSheffield University History Dept
Year started2020
Source of referenceReport from Sheffield U3A
Two written reports.
Video ( held by Sheffield University) for teaching purposes
To show that oral history is another way of learning of the past.
Encouraged interest in History.
Interaction between the generations.
Reflective project for volunteers added to 60’s project already under way.
Learned techniques of interviewing orally.