Project ID: 1047

DescriptionFor over a hundred years, the ultimate recognition of ground-breaking scientific research has been the award of a Nobel Prize. But there’s another series of annual awards, less prestigious but no less cherished, which honour, not the greatest achievements in science, but the funniest. They’re called the Ig Nobel Prizes, and, since their launch in 1991, they’ve provided a humorous insight into the quirky side of scientific research. This light-hearted presentation takes a look back at some of the most improbable of prize-winners.
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ATorridge U3A
Year started2021
Source of referenceTalk given at the U3A Science Network Meeting (virtual), October 2021
NotesThis talk is available for individual U3As, either in person or on Zoom. The speaker is the leader of the Science group at Torridge U3A in north Devon