Project ID: 1090

DescriptionThe Power of Connection: u3a’s Innovative Activities against Social Isolation. An anthropological study to explore the impact of u3a membership on the experience of social isolation and loneliness. After 10 weeks, 40 interviews and many casual conversations and observations, the researchers concluded that social isolation is alleviated in many ways.
TopicsMedical and Health
TypeExternal research (U3A as research subjects)
U3ACroydon U3A
Organization/partnerUniversity of Utrecht
Year started2024
OutputThesis as part of a Bachelors in Cultural Anthropology. Conclusion and a brief summary of findings for research participants are available to download.
DocumentsUniversity of Utrecht Thesis Findings
Summary of findings
NotesSherida and Tess visited u3a as part of a 10 week fieldwork trip facilitated by the u3a office. They spent time with Croydon u3a and Interest Groups Online (IGO). Please contact the researchers if you would like further information ( and