Project ID: 392

DescriptionWW1 Parcels for POWs, Warrington, researched by U3A Family History Group. We transcribed onto two databases the entries in six ledgers, found in Warrington Museum Archives, detailing the sending of bread, tobacco, and food parcels to soldiers from the South Lancashire Regiment held in Germany as Prisoners of War towards the end of World War 1. The parcels were sent out by the local Regimental Care Committee under the auspices of the Red Cross, and paid for by public subscriptions and sponsorship. We carried out much research into the contents of the parcels, conditions in the camps, the fund-raising events organised in the town, the identity of the sponsors (whose details formed the substance of the second database). The research was then given as a presentation to the Family History Group and compiled into a printed booklet, copies of which were given to the Museum, the Regimental Museum, and Warrington U3A, and were bought by some members of the group.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AWarrington U3A
Organization/partnerPhilip Jeffs, Archives and Heritage Officer, Culture Warrington Museum
Year started2014
Source of referenceThird Age Matters 13, p 21; Sources, Sept 2017; No. 62; p13
OutputResources now available as a result of this research:
Two searchable databases; 
Newspaper cuttings file;
Printed booklet

DocumentsParcels to Germany
NotesNewspaper launch and promotion November 2018. The searchable databases can be found at:- and