Project ID: 487

DescriptionBackground research on the role of WRENs at Greenwich for their Centenary in 2017.
Social history
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerOld Royal Naval College, Greenwich
Year started2016
Source of reference
Flier for project on file
Sources 63, Feb 18
OutputExhibition in the Visitors Centre at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich - July-Dec 2017
10 volunteers took part in this project
This project was Highly Commended in the London Volunteers in Museums Awards and the U3A was acknowledged in the intro panel of the display 
The volunteer manager at ORNC said "The U3A team is outstanding . . . because the bond they formed enabled them to work as a whole team as well as in sub-teams to produce work that is truly exemplary".