Project ID: 563

DescriptionThe Reminiscence group have produced a number of small booklets about Life and Work in Brightlingsea, with more to follow. They have interviewed many mostly older people about their life and work, which has produced an insight into the life of the town as it used to be.
Social history
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ABrighlingsea U3A
Year startedongoing
Source of referenceBrightlingsea website
OutputSeries of booklets on the history of Brightlingsea
Over the years we have published ten booklets  - the Brightlingsea Heritage Series -  each telling the story of some aspect of growing up, living and working in the town as remembered by those who were there.   The group established a number of working protocols, pro forma letters and information sheets to ensure people understood who we were and what we were doing, to assure confidentiality and to confirm that nothing would be published without prior permission. The next project, The Pubs of Brightlingsea,  is in preparation