Project ID: 584

DescriptionThe U3A and The Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) are instigating a Shared Learning Project (SLP) to produce a virtual tour of items from the Society's Museum and Archive that are not normally on permanent display. The aim is to make a range of interesting and important items available on the internet through appropriate visual images and audio descriptions. It will be possible to take a 'guided tour' through the items, creating an on line virtual museum that will greatly increase awareness and knowledge of items in the collection.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerRoyal Philatelic Society
Year started2018
Source of referenceSLP Flier
Sources 63, February 2018
OutputThe result of the work is available at
Notes4 volunteers took part in this project