Project ID: 614

DescriptionTalking about Technology - web-based presentations telling the story of a particular technological process from the point of view of those living or working with it. The teams were taught interview techniques.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ABasildon & Billericay U3A
Wokingham U3A
Stamford U3A
Melton Mowbray U3A
Southampton U3A
Organization/partnerBournemouth University
Year started2000
Source of referenceSources 14, 2001
OutputWebsite given but no longer available
NotesThis project received Heritage Lottery Funding.                                 The five U3As involved looked at different aspects of technology - B&B looked at technology in the home, Stamford did building technology, MM did agriculture, Southampton looked at ship building and Wokingham did computing.