Project ID: 654

DescriptionMindEd - e-learning to support healthy minds; this project is about providing resources specifically written with older people in mind who may be experiencing distressing mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, confusion and addictions. Previously we have provided free, online, education about child and teen mental health for any adult; professional, volunteer or parent, who works with or cares for children or teens.We have recently been commissioned by NHS England and Health Education England to extend the scope of our learning and advice to cover aspects of the mental health of older people.
TypeExternal research (U3A as research assistants)
U3AIndividual U3A members, London, acting on request received by the U3A
Organization/partnerRoyal College of Psychiatrists
Year started2017
Source of referenceRequest from Royal College to U3A London
OutputMore information from  
NotesU3A participants were asked to review and provide feedback on the articles being written. They were part of a team of non-specialist co-authors and attended a training workshop in London. They were also invited to review the final e-learning draft before it was made public.