Project ID: 680

DescriptionLocating the lost histories of the west midlands in the late 17th century through the Restoration Hearth Tax and other historical sources. The Hearth Tax provides evidence of who lived in every property, its taxable wealth and location. Volunteers will be provided with core hearth tax data which will be used as a basis from which to explore the early modern history of the area and the lives of the local people..
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AWest Midlands Region
Organization/partnerUniversity of Birmingham
Year started2017
Source of referenceSLP flyer
OutputAt the end of the project there will be a launch presentation for the three SLPs, which will be published online by the Institute of Historical Research
NotesThis is one of three linked SLPs, all researching the Hearth Tax but in different parts of the country. See also file nos 678 and 679.