Project ID: 714

DescriptionA one day workshop to learn about and discuss the increaingly complex world of digital music. All volunteers were videoed individually. There was a follow up video session and U3A volunteers were on view in a video loop at the RCA Design annual research exhibition.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerRoyal College of Art, Design Dept
Year started2017
Source of referenceThird Age Matters 29, Winter 2017, p12
OutputU3A volunteers were on view in a video loop at the RCA Design annual research exhibition. They were also asked to comment on a device designed to simplify access to digital music for those with less technical knowledge than the average user of streaming services.
The video can be seen on the London Region website at httpp:// 
Notes12 volunteers took part in this project