Project ID: 768

DescriptionThis unusual Shared Learning Project is at its heart about mentoring and supporting a group of local students as they develop their business idea. The young inventors are from South Eastern Regional College (SERC) Bangor, County Down, and the four budding engineers won top prize in an enterprise competition by devising an innovative fishing trawler safety mechanism.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ABangor U3A
Organization/partnerSouth East Regional College, Bangor, Co.Down
Year started2017?
Source of referenceSources Online June 2018
OutputThis SLP is called the ANCPOS Project (Advanced Numerical Control Panel Operating System) and the students’ task was to reduce the hazards of winch operation on small fishing vessels through a more efficient and automated remote control system
The Shared Learning group allows us to support the students as they develop the engineering and commercial viability of the idea.  The group which has met six times includes the four students, three members from SERC and six mentors from U3A.