Project ID: 774

DescriptionThe Suffragette Surgeons of World War One. At the outbreak of the First World War the Suffragettes not only ceased their military campaign, they actively threw themselves behind the national war effort. One way in which they did this was through their work as nurses, doctors, and surgeons.
TopicsMedical and Health
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ACroydon U3A
Year started2018
OutputThere is a small display in the Camden Local Studies Centre until the end of 2018 about such an effort. At the outbreak of the war, Louisa Garrett Anderson and Flora Murray established a hospital which was run entirely by women. These two medically trained women and their staff highlighted that Suffragettes could be both patriotic and professional.
NotesThis is one of number of SLPs linked to the Citizens project at Royal Holloway College - see file card 547 for details
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