Project ID: 780

DescriptionNeighbourhoods of the Future - aim is to design better homes for older adults – improving health, care, design and technology.The role of the U3A cohort will develop over time but is likely to include informing the project at an early enough stage to influence design, giving feedback on project proposals or design ideas, providing insight (potentially testing products and assistive technology) and contributing ideas – even potentially co-creating where cohort members' expertise permits.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMembers of London U3As
Organization/partnerAgile Ageing Alliance
Year started2018
Source of referenceSources Online July 2018    Archived as Everything Else
NotesIan Spero, the founder of the Agile Ageing Alliance, is extremely keen to involve the U3A in this revolution. U3A CEO Sam Mauger spoke at their recent conference and has been invited to sit on a panel and I have been asked to set up a ‘cohort’ or working group of U3A members.