Project ID: 833

DescriptionA questionnaire-based survey investigating how well-being in retirement is affected by psychological factors.
TypeExternal research (U3A as research subjects)
U3ACupar U3A
Organization/partnerUniversity of Edinburgh & NHS Fife Health & Social Care Partnership
Year started2018
Source of referenceU3A members complete a questionnaire entitled: Wellbeing in Retirement - the role of psychological factors, and return this to Ms Stuart.
OutputThe results of the research are expected to be available in April, 2019
Cupar U3A have been involved in a piece of research for a trainee Clinical Psychologist undertaking her doctorate.  The involvement is a questionnaire which members complete and return to the researcher - a lady called Frances Stuart.  

Cupar U3A asked Frances to provide the committee with a copy of her permission to undertake the research, from the Ethical Committee, and obtained this letter of confirmation from the University of Edinburgh and NHS Fife.

The questionnaire is entitled: Wellbeing in Retirement - the role of psychological factors.  Many of the U3A members were enthusiastic to be involved and look forward to seeing the results of the research, to be published in April 2019.