Project ID: 883

DescriptionThe development of transport in and around Minehead
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AMinehead U3A
Organization/partnerMinehead Museum
Year started2017
Source of referenceVarious sources of reference were used including archive material from the museum.
OutputA selection of research material from each researcher was mounted and displayed in time for the spring opening in March 2018. The work was also presented at a Special Interest morning of Minehead U3A also held in March. Some of the displays have been retained for the Museum's 2019 exhibition. Copies of the research are kept in folders and are available for public viewing. 
NotesThis collaborative research explored topics on  infrastructure and the development of road transport;  early Celtic boats; pack horses; horse drawn coaches which escalated with the advent of the railway and paddle steamers; garage businesses; bus companies and early aviation. Space travel was included because of the link to Arthur C Clarke who was born in Minehead in 1917 and foresaw space travel.