Project ID: 888

DescriptionCommemoration of the end of World War OneA joint event by Huyton and Halewood U3As took place on Thursday 8th November. It was well attended and included members from Knowsley Borough Council and the Huyton Historic Society.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3ANorth West Region
Organization/partnerHuyton and Halewood U3As in partnership
Year started2018
Source of reference
OutputCollection taken and £85 donated to Royal British Legion
NotesDisplays on the day included one of the history of the RAF, as the Royal Flying Corp transformed into the Royal Air Force 100 years ago at the ending of the War
Written information was displayed showing the military hospitals in the area, the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) the Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD). Research by Halewood Group showed the impact on the area pre 1914 and the impact of WW1 post war. Women in WW1 and setting the scene and beyond.