Project ID: 914

DescriptionU3Aness is good for you. Concern about the health effects of loneliness in older people is part of the motivation behind the government strategy on loneliness. Loneliness is a risk factor for poor health and dementia; some argue that it is worse than smoking. One proposal in the policy is the expansion of social prescribing services – “Social prescribing connects people to community groups and services” so that, for example, GPs can prescribe such things as dancing, gardening etc., according to an individual’s social, emotional or practical needs. It is predicted that social prescribing will be in every GP practise within the next two years.
TopicsMedical and Health
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ABingham U3A
Year started2019
Source of referenceSources Online, August 2019
NotesGood list of sources with this article, including U3A's 'Learning, not Lonely'