Project ID: 960

DescriptionSome Outdoor Poor Relief records for Warrington from the late 18th Century have been digitised by the Transcription Group attached to Warrington u3a Family History Group.
TopicsSocial history
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AWarrington U3A
Organization/partnerCulture Warrington Museum
Year started2020
Source of referenceHand-written ledgers
OutputNone as yet, but a searchable database will be produced.
NotesThe Transcription Group has completed work on the handwritten ledger covering the years 1798 to 1810 and is now working on one from 1826 to 1830. (The museum has no records for the intervening years.)  The pages are copied by the Museum and sent to the group electronically.  The earlier ledger contained only the names & addresses of the recipients, the amounts they received, and occasionally some other pieces of information; The later one has more information:- the names and ages of the family members, their occupations and earnings, details of illnesses or disabilities if they are unable to work, the amount of rent they pay, and the amount of relief  they have received.  This obviously makes it more interesting to work on and will be of more use to future family historians. As with our other projects, all the spreadsheets will be collated onto a master database on the Museum's website which can then be searched by members of the public.