research database

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Found 24 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

328Details required
329Researching who is buried at Ford Park, Plymouth
330Mention in Sources of possible project - more information needed
331Researching paintings from the Maritime Exhibition, Plymouth
332Mention of possible project on local buildings, Plymouth
333Mention of possible project on Barbican (Plymouth) history, using recovered documents
334Museum items for world ethnic events, Plymouth
335School Transport. This research project (which forms part of a wider study on school transport and choices in education) hopes to make a contribution to the development of understanding about how decisions made about schooling impact on one’s life course and how the physical journey from home to school affects families choices of schooling for their children, the school experience and future education and work decisions. To start this project, we would like to speak with people who consider themselves life-long learners and listen to their experiences of education.
336Sensory re-weighting for balance control and the effects of ankle foot orthoses and stance width: A comparison of people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and healthy participants
337Clinical Psychology Research Study: developing more reliable and accurate ways of assessing thinking and behaviour in ageing using questionnaires, computerized tasks and pen-and-paper tasks. Participants included healthy over 60s as well as those with Parkinsons and Dementia
338Physiotherapy research project: To what extent are different sensations in the foot and ankle impaired as part of the ageing process?
339Department of Health Study into the diversity of providers in health care and their effectiveness
340Antibiotics Resistance Research - inqury into the historical impact of the introduction of antibiotics and what health care had been like before it.
341Research to compare eye movement control in healthy people with people who have Multiple Sclerosis.
527Partnership between Plymouth University and Plymouth U3A which will encourage U3A members to work with the university on a variety of projects.
191Cognition in Aging and Parkinsons Disease. Participants with either a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease or individuals without any known neurological impairment, took part in a study looking at measures of cognitive function and a measures of motor cognition.
194Developing Computerised Measures of Cognition in Aging. Individuals without any known neurological impairment took part in a large scale study validating the use the computerised assessments of cognition. This study will in part help inform the develop of tasks to aid early detection of cognitive decline. Participants were asked to compete a range of computerised tasks and paper and pen tasks
251Assistance with Dental Students' Community Engagement Module which involves understanding different sectors of the communities within which they will work
268Research into the use of web based support for GP Exercise Referrals. The aim of the e-coachER study is to find out whether having access to a web-based support package in addition to the exercise referral encourages people to attend their exercise scheme, and helps to increase physical activity even more than just attending the scheme.
576Physiotherapy Research Project: a study of active older adults to investigate why people choose to be physically active
577A Study to better understand how ageing affects the eye
578A study in Parkinson's disease to investigate some of the cognitive and social symptoms
587Students from Duksung University in Seoul, South Korea visited Plymouth U3A as part of their research into educational fulfilment in the third age.
986Plymouth U3A's Discovery Group explores topics with a historical interest and the current project is 'Forts and Defences of the South West'. Members spend their meetings on site visits, some of which are ruins, overgrown or on private land. They have already gained knowledge of military architecture and a better understanding of the problems of defending our southern shore.