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Found 7 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

354Survey of hospital wards to check infection control, Salisbury
355Sorting archaeology items, Salisbury
353Survey of U3A members in Salisbury to identify patient healthcare concerns, by U3A Combined Healthcare Group
541Salisbury U3A has produced a short history of its development over 25 years
545An excavation searching for a possible Roman town at Sorviodunum. Findings included 1st century pottery, traces of a Roman road and the wall and floor of a structure, probably a house.
938The idea of bringing together a group of U3Agers and school Sixth Formers came from a report of activities in Seaford U3A. They had run a discussion group which had the rule that neither parents nor school staff were to be present. Two grammar schools in Salisbury warmed to the idea and for two years about ten U3Agers and ten teenagers have met after school to hold a forum, a mix of ideas and opinions on matters of topical, ethical or political interest. The Salisbury young adults come from the history and politics class in their first year of sixth form. Subjects tackled this academic year have included President Clinton, the legalising of cannabis, the politics of smoking, reform of the House of Lords, the state of matrimony, homosexuality and the future of the church. Both age groups have discovered their prejudice about each other. Assumptions have been seen to be unfounded. Not all U3Agers want to restore capital punishment and not all teenagers want to smoke tobacco or cannabis. This forum is a real learning experience.
980Inter-generational forum - a discussion group between a group of U3Agers sixth formers from local grammar schools. Fortnightly meetings take place without either school staff or parents and subjects discussed have included the legalising of cannabis, the politics of smoking, reform of the house of Lords, homosexuality and the future of the Church.