research database

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Found 14 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

274Research on Surbiton citizens as soldiers, auxiliary workers & COs in WW1, also women doing war work
272Logging & photographing graves & researching family histories at Margravine Cemetery
275Residents of Normansfield 1868-1997
279Places to visit in SW London
280History of Victorian mental health Institutions for people with learning disabilities
276History of Earlswood, Surrey & other local asylums
277History of Normansfield’s buildings & development of site from 1868. Create site maps, timeline with photographs, research in archives and talk to local residents.
281Famous people from the past who lived in SW London
282Hillcroft College in WW1
575Researching the history of Kingston Hill Campus with reference to centenary of Gipsy Hill College in 2017
579History of local shops and shopping in south west London
686Starting in January 2018, members of the U3As of South West London who sign up for this project will identify events and people in London, particularly but not exclusively in South West London, which have contributed to the history of liberty, protest, rebellion and reform. You will be given some ideas for your research and you will find more in local libraries, archives and on the web: the aim is to identify and explore topics which are not well known nationally but were of importance locally.
715Local heroes and events
630Researching the staff who worked at Normansfield between 1868 and 1997 and creating a series life stories of people in different periods of time with photographs and documents.