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Found 5 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

379Swansea markets 1194-1900
569A study old documents, based at the museum of the Royal Institution of S.Wales.This work is under the guidance of museum staff, and often involves newly acquired subjects when members of the public contact the museum, perhaps after the death of a relative. One of the ongoing projects concerns a firm of photographers set up in Morriston in the early years of the 20th century.
629our initiative of researching and digitally capturing the story behind our Guildhall, its art, architecture and inspiration.
670Collection of fifty autobiographical stories from members of Swansea U3A to ensure that future generations have their eyes opened to when irons had no flexes and cookers ran on coal.
791A Shared project involving the Friends of the Copperworks and Swansea U3A