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Found 6 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

283Role of Battersea Town Hall in WW1
284Good Neighbours - unsung heroes of Battersea
285Investigating memories of evacuees in WW2 - intergenerational project in Battersea schools
574War memorial research into names of local boys killed in action & investigating life on home front
794The Life and Influences of Mary Hays 1759-1843: although she is unknown to many today, she was an important early feminist, whose ideas were well ahead of her time. She lived in an era when women had few legal and social rights and their options were restricted by social convention.
809John Archer is often held up as an icon of black British history. He was the first black man to become mayor of a London borough, and only the second in the whole country. In April 2013, he was selected by the Royal Mail as one of the subjects for a series of stamps celebrating “Great Britons”.