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Found 6 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

402To produce Gazetteer of Education 1770-1830, Wokingham, Berks
528Wokingham Local History Group have produced a history of the town from 1851, based on census data
562Wokingham's Walks into History group researched local history and shared their research by walking the routes to see the features, such as the sites of past ferries and how Shiplake grew with the arrival of the railway.
614Talking about Technology - web-based presentations telling the story of a particular technological process from the point of view of those living or working with it. The teams were taught interview techniques.
729The 1688 Battle of Reading Julie McLaren (Wokingham U3A) plans to research the Battle of Reading, a skirmish between an advance guard of William of Orange's invading Dutch army and Irish forces stationed in Reading loyal to James II. This was one of the few violent clashes in England during the 'Glorious Revolution'.
783Discover the hidden history of Woodley in a shared learning project with Wokingham and Reading U3As. Woodley has grown from a few scaered coages and farms into a suburb of Reading, but has kept its sense of community.