research database

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Found 3 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

499Age-related changes in remembering and forgetting emotional words: an electrophysiological analysis
672Research by viewing a video about robotic home companions and specifically on how novice users can quickly learn to teach/programme such a robot. We are interested in how members of the public respond after watching this video of a real robot performing tasks that we might expect to see carried out by robots in the future. To assess this response, we have created a short questionnaire which we would ask you to complete after watching the video.
673The Cambridge BioResource is a panel of around 16,000 volunteers, both with and without health conditions, who are willing to be approached to participate in research studies investigating the links between genes, the environment, health and disease. Volunteers who join the Cambridge BioResource donate their DNA via a blood or saliva sample which is used together with other information, such as gender and ethnicity, to match them to specific research studies. Volunteers are free to choose which studies they would like to take part in, allowing the CBR to provide researchers with groups of participants, tailor-made to the research study.