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544In this study we are looking at how different brain areas work together to help us remember events. In the future this might help professionals to diagnose diseases that cause memory problems and to develop strategies to help with these problems.
649The New Physics – An account of the revolution in physics in the early years of the 20th Century. In 1905 Albert Einstein published a paper that started a revolution in thinking about how fundamental particles behaved and made possible all the modern electronic technology we now have available. It was this paper on “The Photovoltaic Effect” that eventually earned him the Nobel Prize and launched the new “Quantum Mechanics”. By reading a number of popular science books that have been published recently, I feel I have a glimmering of understanding of what it is that I don’t understand.
797How To Be a Photon - We will learn how to be a wave and a particle (at the same time?) and something about the speed limits we have to obey. We will learn how to make rainbows, stripes and sparkles and how to paint the world. We will learn how to obey the simple laws of optics we learned at junior school and which seemed so obvious. But when you are VERY small, things don’t always behave as you expect them to!