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Found 5 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

546The Design for Age Project - looked at such design issues as Arriva buses, lines painted in hospital corridors and many other items. Members acted as informants on specified items, such as tetra milk cartons, with the hope of evaluating and improving design for older people
556James Clerk Maxwell is considered to be the greatest 19th-century scientist, as important as Newton and Einstein, but his ideas were ahead of his time. Can we imagine modern life without radio, TV, X-rays and more? They all have their origin in his work, as do ideas that led to the theory of relativity and the birth of the quantum theory
616Women in 20th century - presented as a mix of oral and written accounts
792Painting Time: time passes; a fleeting moment, the hours of the day, the seasons of the year, the ages of a person's life, the epochs of history. This talk examines some of the ways by which it has proved possible to capture the passage of time in images which are by their very nature motionless.
982U3A in London set up a Debate of the Age Study Group to discuss the Millennium Debate and concentrated on just one of the five themes, Values and Attitudes. They prepared a questionnaire and worked with a local secondary school where a Year 8 class was already working on a 'granny project'. A final report on the work was submitted to the Age Concern Millennium Debate.