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548Georg Christoph Lichtenberg and Étienne Léopold Trouvelot worked on the same subject and published scientific papers on it, but lived a century apart and never met. What they both worked on are called to this day Lichtenberg figures, the strange, beautiful, almost organic shapes formed when a pulse of high-voltage electricity passes over the surface of an insulator. Lichtenberg was the first to describe these figures, and Trouvelot one of the first to record them photographically. I have researched the history of two men who were interested in both science and art, and have also created Lichtenberg figures myself.
908Liquid Amps - Some highlights of electrochemistry, how it works and its importance in daily life. The story ranges from silver plated cutlery to the battery that powers your devices, and is of ever-increasing impact on society, as well as having a strong historical connection with the Birmingham area.
1029A talk on on Darwin the Geologist, highlighting a lesser known but important aspect of Charles Darwin's work.