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555The Wellcome Trust - The life and legacy of Sir Hanry Wellcome' The story of two 19th Century American salesmen establishing the first pharmaceutical firm in Britain to do original research, resulting in a fortune endowed and developed as the Wellcome Trust, the second largest funding charity in the world.
290Is Seeing Believing?: The Art and Science of Visual Illusions. We sense with our eyes and perceive with our brain- Psychologist and Neuroscientists still don't know quite how, and visual illusions both clarify and mystify our understanding of the processes.
646Shops, Slums and Sanitation - Watford 1849 and beyond. The 1848 Public Health Act was the first step to improved public health and to stemming outbreaks of cholera, which were to claim in excess of 52,000 lives in the 19th century. Many towns set up Local Boards of Health which assumed responsibility for drainage, water supplies, removal of nuisances, and setting down new paving. Watford is presented as a case study, and illustrations with archive photos and drawings of some of the slum dwellings allow you to 'savour' conditions. Quite radical and surprising changes came about in terms of local governance, and in how High Streets looked and operated, as well as huge improvements in health and welfare.