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812U3A project researching the lives of the WW1 servicemen named on the Dodworth War Memorial. This four year research project will be completed this November. Leader of the War Memorials Project group, Robert Green, said “We looked at our local memorial and asked ourselves ‘who were these men from our village?’ Using our research experience we have managed to bring to life the story of each serviceman and sadly, in most cases, the circumstances of their death.”
1066What started out as a survey of local high streets led to Barnsley u3a members connecting with their area’s history and feeding into the vision for its future. 2020 saw the birth of the u3a High Street Project with members across the movement looking at the pandemic’s impact on local shops and the communities using them. Barnsley u3a’s local history groups developed a relationship with the local museum, ‘Experience Barnsley’, and now have an ongoing display filled with artefacts donated and lent by Barnsley u3a members. The group have big plans for future displays – and are currently considering an upcoming focus on memories of food. A new group was formed researching the history of individual streets – a particularly interesting discovery was a pipe smoking competition, held in 1937. u3a members are now working with the council as part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone.