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645Florence Nightingale and Medical Statistics - this presentation looks at the position in the early 19th century as the background to Nightingale’s life and work, including medical knowledge and practice, statistics and their use and education. It considers her life and work against this background – family, friends, contacts, beliefs - leading to her well-known role in the Crimean War, and explores the way in which she used her fame politically. It shows that she was very much more than “the Lady with the Lamp” and evaluates the lasting effects of her life and work.
655The Colour Blue - We know that, in mediaeval and classical art, the only thing that was really blue was the cloak of the Virgin Mary, because blue pigment was so very expensive. In this talk we look at the science of colour – what it is, and how it is perceived – to show that blue is something of an outlier in the spectrum. Then considering the history of the use of blue pigments and the scientific, technical, economic and even political factors driving their development, we show that the colour blue is indeed special.
656The Story of the Chariot; we consider the geography of the Steppes, the materials and technologies involved in the development of the wheel and of weapon systems and the domestication of the horse, to trace the rapid rise of the chariot to its role as the dominant military machine, across Eurasia, for more than 1000 years, then its descent into its now familiar role as sporting vehicle and status symbol.
802This presentation shows the power of the graphical representation of data to dramatise and clarify information - often that we probably think we already know - making it more real and relevant. An important source of data and graphics is "Our World in Data". Examples come from a variety of fields including Geography, Agriculture and Food, Energy, Demographics and Sport
804Caroline Herschel, the Comet Sweeper - often overshadowed by her brother, Sir William Herschel, this remarkable lady had an astronomical career of her own. For years, her brother‘s assistant and support, she was highly respected by the scientific community of the day. This presentation will show how she coped with the restrictions and culture of her day and her ultimate achievements.
806This is a substantial collection of books on the history of science which were displayed at the Science Summer School.
909Scare stories; risk and perception - a look at how we assess risk, what we base that opinion on and whether the alternative in some cases may be worse.