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647Bats, A Unique Evolution. Bats have been around for over 50 million years. Currently there are over 1300 species, filling ecological niches on almost every continent. For centuries these ‘creatures of the night’ were rarely seen, often feared and barely understood. This talk aims to explain what's so special about the physiology and lifestyle of bats. With equipment able to render ultrasound audible to humans, awareness of their presence and how they live has grown. With the advent of DNA analysis, more and more species have been found. This talk will look at speciation as well as the three key characteristics that make them special: flight, echolocation and longevity.
973Warwick U3A's History group held a geological treasure hunt. Ten teams, consisting of two geologists and 28 members, each chose a different rock and spent the first month at Warwick Museum, looking at where their rock was laid down. Summer days were spent in the field with maps, looking at quarries, houses, churches, the soil, trees, farming - everything dependent on the rock beneath. At the end the teams reported their findings.,