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798The happy accident – the adrenal gland and asthma treatment - this talk traces the history of asthma therapy and discuss how a happy accident paved the way for all our modern medicines for asthma. Scientists isolated a substance from the adrenal gland which they called adrenaline – asthmatics inhaled it and felt better. Adrenaline was transformed into Ventolin (Salbutamol) – the first effective treatment for asthma, but this was 70 years after the discovery of adrenaline – why did it take so long? But it was all a mistake as adrenaline is not absorbed from the stomach and intestines following ingestion so it can’t have been adrenaline in the adrenal gland extract that improved asthma symptoms in the Victorian era. What was improving asthma following eating of adrenal gland extracts?
910Why doesn't your nose grow an ear? - a talk on why cells grow into the various parts of the body
916The Memories Project, a six-week course run for Thanet U3A, was not intended to improve the short-term memory. Far from it: the intention was to delve into our own early lives. However, we soon found that one person’s reminiscence triggered something in everyone else’s mind. Anecdotes emerged that had been long-forgotten, memories were evoked of tastes and sights and smells that were no longer around. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and would urge other groups to try it. Don’t let these historical memories fade and die. Let’s preserve the past by talking about it, writing it down and sharing it.
1030A talk on the creation of the vaccines, covering - What is coronavirus? Vaccines, what they are and how they work; Details of the Pfizer and AstraZenaca vaccines; Clinical trials; Current issues.