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123Identifying objects for work with children, Exeter
526Memorandum of Understanding between University of Exeter and Exeter U3A which will allow U3A members to collaborate with academics in research projects, as well as attend lectures and become involved in events. Members are already acting as lay members on university committees and help with Medical School trials.
1010U3A members joined a shared learning project looking into the way that we seek happiness and whether this differs across different age groups. This was co-ordinated by two academics in the department of classics and the college of humanities at the University of Exeter. There are three ancient prescriptions – Epicurus, Stoics, and Aristotelian.
1046SETI – the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence and having fun with the Drake Equation – is anybody out there? And if they are, then where are they, and how many civilisations are likely? Are we alone; one of the most fundamental questions we can ask? This presentation covers the SETI search and the attempts to estimate the number of intelligent, technologically advanced alien civilisations in our Milky Way galaxy. We will look at the Drake Equation and its various parameters, and the range of estimates it predicts.
1058The Human Microbiome Pt1 - is the ecological community of microorganisms that literally share our body space. An adult human is said to host over ten times as many (very tiny) bacterial cells as human cells, representing between a few hundred grams and fourteen hundred grams. These are sometimes referred to as the forgotten organ and which are vital for our survival and wellbeing. We need a broad spectrum of Probiotic Bacteria in and on our bodies to promote good health. We also have a wide selection of important viruses in our Guts. In one gram of faeces there are 100M bacteria, 100M viruses, skin cells, yeasts, and other fungi – so it is not just the bacteria. The relationship between the makeup of a person’s microbiota and their immune systems function, nutritional health, body form, and obesity, plus disease incidence such as MS, Crones disease, IBS, and Parkinson’s disease are all now under detailed study by Scientists, globally.