research database

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Found 53 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

2How people can keep and update emotional and neural information in working memory
10PACE dept / ageing
11How people use strategies to complete memory based tasks
12Examining police procedures in cases in which older adults are victims of crime
13Research looking at how older people make plans and how these change
15Various projects including elder abuse, pensions & poverty, housing & technology, end of life care, prevention of falls, biology of ageing
16Urban v country eating
20To gather information about how we can improve eyewitness testimony (on-line test)
37How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
46Memory and emotion in ageing
47Project on active older people
51How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
52Research on Parkinsons disease
53The ability of people with dementia to take part in cognitive behavioural therapy - controls wanted
54Tests of memory, visuospatial & language ability
55Research into the effect of ageing on the immune system - to understand why this declines as people get older.
56Control participants for a study of Parkinson's disease
57Vocal emotions and ageing
58Study on pathophysiology of dystonia - controls wanted
59Research project to understand neurological problems called movement disorders especially Parkinson’s disease
60Healthy volunteers needed for a research study into the optimal design of visual field test stimulus for the detection of retinal changes in glaucoma.research
61To establish baseline for language ability for aphasia treatment - controls wanted
62Impact of ageing on speech communication
63Comprehension of language
65Study investigating personality and perception (on-line test)
409Study of the relationship between brain functions and speech/hearing performances in both elderly normal-hearing and hearing-impaired individuals and try to establish frameworks to help improve hearing performances of elderly people.
309Study to scan hearts of healthy men over 80, to look for abnormal protein deposits occurring in a condition called ATTR amyloidosis.
531Neural correlates of face blindness across different age groups to show a developmental trajectory.
532Study looking at whether brain stimulation can improve moods in healthy older adults
533The role of nor-adrenaline in cognition
534Creative problem solving - to get a better understanding of the interaction between language, culture and creativity in a sample of British native speakers
535Study to assess how older listeners perform in a speech test compared to younger listeners. The aim is to look at the processes people use to understand speech in difficult situations. The work may have important implications for older adults who experience increased difficulties communicating in a noisy environment. We hope that this study will provide guidance to future methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation in Audiology.
538The project is a collaboration with Imperial College and is aimed at developing and testing sound processing methods for hearing aids that will make speech easier to understand in noisy backgrounds.
547Citizens; 800 years in the making. Exploring the history of liberty, protest, power and rebellion from Magna Carta to the suffragettes and beyond. The aim is to highlight local heroes and heroines and local struggles for our rights and liberty.
582The Dept. of Psychology at the University of Westminster, in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, is seeking volunteers for a project investigating how combining information from different senses (seeing and hearing) impacts on memory in older adults with and without age-related memory differences.
583This study aims to investigate the effect of ageing on motor control in speech. As we age, the way our brain decodes speech changes in important ways, and we are using exciting new techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation, to gain insights into how this happens.
628To address the impact of learning two or more languages on the cognitive decline due to ageing and investigate its potential use for offsetting the effects of age related degenerative disorders in adults and the elderly.
632Study investigating the effects of multilanguage acquisition on cognitive development. In particular, we are interested in how the brain learns to speak multiple languages.
638The effects of motion on memory - we are interested in investigating the association between space and time. More specifically, we want to see how observing motion can induce mental time travel, and in turn whether this affects performance in a memory task.
641Investigating the impact of ageing on speech communication in good and difficult listening conditions.
642A study which investigates the effect of ageing on sound perception and listening abilities in busy environments (such as a bustling train station or a loud restaurant).
650A research project that aims to assess whether a very mild, non-invasive form of brain stimulation can improve mood.
653Research into why some speakers are easier to understand than others are, and how age and hearing levels influence speech intelligibility.
654MindEd - e-learning to support healthy minds; this project is about providing resources specifically written with older people in mind who may be experiencing distressing mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, confusion and addictions. Previously we have provided free, online, education about child and teen mental health for any adult; professional, volunteer or parent, who works with or cares for children or teens.We have recently been commissioned by NHS England and Health Education England to extend the scope of our learning and advice to cover aspects of the mental health of older people.
681To find out what happens to our mental capabilities and our calmness when we become dizzy or disorientated. This line of research may help us to appreciate the day-to-day difficulties experienced by people with dizziness secondary to vestibular (inner ear) dysfunction. It may also lead to a deeper understanding of why in-flight conditions, which render flight crew dizzy or disorientated, can lead to human error and air accidents.
683Comparison of cognitive profiles of individuals over the age of 50 with and without ASD. Although a lot of research has been done with younger people with autism, very little research has looked at older people with and without autism. Developing a better understanding of the memory and cognitive abilities of older adults with ASD will aid understanding of potential cognitive decline in this group and tailoring of psychosocial and support interventions for them.
719Investigating Autism Spectrum Disorders across the lifespan
721Investigation of Autism Spectrum Disorders across the lifespan
722The All Adenomas Study aims to examine the long-term risk of bowel cancer and the requirement for regular bowel examinations in patients diagnosed with adenomas, which are benign (non-cancerous) polyps
733The role of music in restoring certain functions lost due to brain degeneration.
856We are currently running a study that uses virtual reality to validate an assessment tool that will help with the assessment of cognitive deficits such as Dementia.
866This study looks at possible generational differences in cinema going culture, and the potential impact on memory. We are interested in looking at personal memories for leisure time activities. Research has shown how important our personal or autobiographical memories are for the development of our sense of identity, but little has been done on our memories for activities or hobbies. We have worked on a similar project looking at theatre, which we are about to publish, so we hope that this study will generate some equally interesting information about cinema.
871A research project investigating the influence of physical fitness and cognitive reserve on executive and olfactory functioning