research database

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Found 26 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

7Active ageing - including balance, weakness and frailty and physical activity and inactivity in older age.
8Gaze & walking - how visual problems may limit physical activity
17Ageing - weekly research circle
23Measuring the benefits of participation in U3A art and creative groups
24To understand and map the different categories of learning experience that people use
25To measure differences in muscle power and motion of people with and without diabetes
26SAMS (Software Architecture for Mental Health Self-management)
28Managing your health together: voluntary organisations, community groups and local networks of support
29Understanding networks of information needs for diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease
30Individual differences in the preference for musical consonance
31How the brain processing of information from hearing changes with age
32Thinking styles & brain changes related to clinical depression with & without Type 2 diabetes in older adults
33To study whether older volunteers can act as peer mentors to reduce number of falls in older people
34Use of brain imaging to understand changes in the brain associated with normal ageing
35How ageing affects our ability to combine information from our senses (see, feel and hear)
36How people with & without Parkinson's disease respond to objects and movements in their environment
48To find out whether systemic sclerosis also has gastrointestinal effects
66Influence of personality and perception on eyewitness identification performance
68Development of garments for active walkers, especially over age 65
494Research looking at how ageing influences muscle function and thus balance and mobility. We are looking to enrol frail men over 65 years old who suffer from weak muscles and are not as active and mobile as they used to be.
553The acceptability of reducing sedentary behaviour to older adults. Volunteers were interviewed to ask the amount of physical activity that they do and why they may chooose to do little activity.
633Recognition memory for visual stimuli
634The acceptability of reducing sedentary behaviour to older adults: a qualitative study
635The effects of ageing on multisensory integration
636Individual cognitive stimulation therapy (ICST) for people with movement disorders
637Memory problems and sensory impairment