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9Effects of technology in over fifties
818The question is whether learning a language, even in later life, has a significant effect on the brain’s cognitive abilities and resistance to degenerative illnesses. Edinburgh University is offering to repeat an exercise carried out with the popular BBC series Trust Me I’m a Doctor, specifically with U3A members in Scotland.
819Energy Efficiency Scams - One of the most problematic areas that keep emerging as a concern for consumers is the misselling of energy efficiency measures. Typically, a consumer will be contacted out of the blue by telephone to be informed that they have qualified for energy saving measures for their home such as a new boiler, solar panels etc and a follow up appointment will be arranged for a sales consultant to come out to provide further information. Once the sales consultant comes to the house, they will then subject the consumer to pressurised sales tactics in a bid to convincing them to sign an installation agreement where quite often no cancellation rights are provided. Whilst there are grants available, establishing whether you qualify can be cumbersome and confusing. An improvement in energy efficiency is of concern to government, energy suppliers and consumers alike. But this just provides an opportunity for rogues to trade on confusion and the lack of information. The aim is to equip consumers with what they need to know to be able to make improvements but not to fall victim to the scammers.