research database

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Found 185 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

166Interviews with U3A members who grew up in London 1930-60
167Examining artefacts for inclusion in new Bethlem museum, Beckenham, and research to produce captions and guides.
169Preparing guide to BFI Mediatheque film archive
170Guide to BFI Mediatheque films about East End of London
171Children's literature over last 100 years
172Children's literature over last 100 years - 2nd project
173Researching detective fiction
174Travellers' Tales - exploring travel literature and why people travel
175Exploring natural history of London within 20-mile radius of St Paul's
176History of science in London
177Restoration of green London
178Members of group each chose a museum object, researched it and gave a talk on it - at the British Museum
179Evaluating 'Enlightenment' & 'Living & Dying' galleries at BM
180Working with interpretation team at BM to identify 'Gateway' artefacts and discover if the item is correctly placed and labelled for visitors by interviewing 50 people using a questionnaire
181Materials and Motives, 100BC to 100AD - description of objects from India, Africa, the Americas, China, the Middle East and Europe
182Handling collection at BM
183Evaluating two Museum galleries: The Enlightenment Gallery & Living & Dying Gallery
185Cataloguing articles in Post Office house magazine
186Hidden heroes of the postal service
187Documenting photographs 1930-60 at Postal Museum
188To research sporting history of individuals and groups associated with Post Office or Royal Mail
189Archives of the Brothers of Charterhouse Almshouses
190The lives of past Brothers at Charterhouse from the 17th and 18th century. Spanning a range of professions, from florists to lieutenants, the Charterhouse has admitted a striking list of intriguing personalities.
192City Lit looked for volunteers to train as co-ordinators for informal adult learning
193Social history of Croydon airport, esp.1928-39 & impact on surrounding area
195Gallery accessibility for older and disabled visitors at Dulwich
196Researching Visitor Book 1867-8 at Dulwich. This was a pilot project of one volume to assess whether scanning all 49 volumes would be practical or worthwhile.
197Mythology in the European Housewife's Shopping Basket - study of shopping baskets by teams fom six European countries, involving a total of 12 trips to different parts of Europe by the participants.
19817th-century merchant's house in Hampstead - project will research the history of 4 connoisseurs who donated their collections of ceramics, musical instruments and pictures to the house
199Where did all the foundlings go? - tracing destinations of children from the Foundling Hospital, London
200Study of apprenticeship records of Foundlings 1751-62 - London
201Research into musical education & future army careers of Foundling boys
202Education of Foundlings, whether boys and girls were treated differently and if girls were educated to a level that would fit them for jobs other than domestic service
203Life of a Victorian governess, Geffrye Museum, Shoreditch
204The presence of black people in London 1750-1950. Research to look at contribution of black Londoners to the professions, the arts, sport, trade and in service.
205Finding lost Londoners, black & Asian, 16-19C
206U3A members making music together as a creative ensemble & working on collaborative composition
207Possible future project as part of Tales of the Thames - waiting for funding decision. June 2016: now unlikely to happen
208Work of the Horniman Museum's curators over 150 years - Dulwich, SE London
209Creation of resource material, trails for visitors at Hunterian Museum, London
210Creating resource material at Hunterian Museum, London. To create inter-generational learning, eg Top Ten Highlights guide, quizzes for children, CD-ROM of images
212Social history of objects at Imperial War Museum, using the resources of the museum to find the relevant stories
214Researching Jewish successes in Olympic Games
216Study of Hampstead, local people & their trades at time of Keats and are any of them still operating, which families lived there, are any of their descendats still there, what houses were built in 1818?
217Staff & students on Kings College London war memorials
218British Nursing Assoc's Register, stories of nurses
219Art & artists in Adam International Review (arts magazine) at Kings College London
220British Nursing Assoc's Register, social research on nurses
221Looking at lives of Victorian staff at Kings College London to contribute to a database, including the father of D.G.Rosetti, a cousin of Virginia Woolf and an archdeacon alleged to be Jack the Ripper.
222Surveying plants & insects in Great Meadow, Waterworks Nature Reserve, Leyton, E.London
223Repack artefacts from excavation for Limehouse Link Project 1989
224Working on finds archive for Mansell St, one of the Eastern Roman Cemetery sites, London
225Work on findings at Shoreditch Park, London relating to WW2 bomb damage with background history of the area
226Looking at a wide range of archaeological materials and object types from various sites in London
227Volunteers were asked to make something about people behind the archaeology
228Training project on archaeology - 3 wks on collections care, 3 wks on public presentation techniques, final weeks engaging with public
229Training project on archaeology - 3 wks on collections care, 3 wks on public presentation techniques, final weeks engaging with public
230Training project on archaeology - 3 wks on collections care, 3 wks on public presentation techniques, final weeks engaging with public
231Training project on archaeology - 5 wks on collections care & public presentation techniques, 5 weeks engaging with public
232Intergenerational memory project working with children to promote understanding of WW2
233History of N.Islington child welfare from 1913 - Manor Gardens Centre began as a School for Mothers and its history covers the period before the start of the NHS.
234History of N.Islington child welfare, 1945-2000History of N.Islington child welfare from 1913 - Manor Gardens Centre began as a School for Mothers and its history covers the period before the start of the NHS.
235To study plants, artefacts, historical data & botanists and create garden trails at Museum of Garden History, Lambeth
236Possible future project on contemporary garden design archive
237Assisting with evaluation project, Museum of London
238Basic collection care skills in order to help visitors, Museum of London
239Framing the Future, Museum of London
240Possible future project DID THIS ONE HAPPEN?
241How older people approach the learning process and make use of the facilities, Greenwich
242Lost stories of those directly affected by the Battle of Jutland, to be used as the core of the National Maritime Museum exhibition narrative.
243Researching the nursing archives
244Surbiton in WW1 & Hillcroft College
245History of healthcare in Surbiton, for website
246Lives of conscientious objectors in London, WW1
247To research some of the forgotten stories of Conscientious Objectors (COs) in WW1
248Pioneering women in archaeology: lives of Amelia Edwards & Margaret Murray
249Socks & More; weaving and knitting at the Petrie Museum and making ancient Egyptian socks from scratch
250Cataloguing collection of 130 nurses' badges at Queens Nursing Institute & writing a history of each nurse's career
252Creating a walk based on philanthropy in City of London
253Archive research from founding in 1732; Royal Opera House in other collections; what users would want from digital archive.
254Pilot project to collect oral histories at Royal Opera House - training given for interviewing
255Interviews with Royal Opera singers & dancers from re-opening 1946
256Philatelic exhibition medals from 1897. This was a project to understand and document the 800 medals held by the RPSL, including what the medals were awarded for, their historical context and even what they were made from.
257Research into infamous stamp forger Jean de Sperati & his hand printing press. The RPSL has Sperati's printing press and a set of his forged stamps. Research included understanding his complex techniques, his life and background and getting his printing press working
258History of postal printing, perforation etc in UK. In 1911 Grover & Co Ltd started making perforating machines and rapidly became the leading supplier and developer of this technology in the UK. In 2001 their archive was donated to the RPSL. The U3A project researched the archive and the social context of the firm.
259Research artwork and design a 'Cinderella' stamp to promote a U3A group. Volunteers will learn about Cinderella stamps and stamp design from an external speaker and will use photography, drawing, painting or other art forms to create the stamps.
260Members studied an object or theme from Science Museum collection
261Science Museum based project on unknown women in science - in aeronautics, engineering, medicine, physics etc - where they may not be the famous names but where women have played a crucial role.
262Researching Regency costume & making models to be part of Soane Museum's handling collection
263Research into frost fairs held on Thames in 1680s, to provide background for a Fair, based on 17th century ice fairs, on terrace of Somerset House at Christmas 2005.
264Research to provide an archive about Somerset House, from images and information in other institutions
265Nightingale Fellowship
266Working on Victoria & Albert's Adult Learners website - testing the independent study resources on Understanding objects, Colour, Drawing and Creative Writing
267Working with objects in Victoria & Albert
269To improve the marketing & how assess how the Barnes Wetlands Centre can raise its profile
270Fiction & cultural mediation of ageing - research into leading British novelists' (David Lodge and Jim Crace) depiction of ageing
271Studies of birds, insects and plants in Eltham Palace gardens
414Uncovering the History of the Kingston Hill Campus and the centenary of Gypsy Hill Teacher Training College
415Research on paintings by William Hodges, official artist on Cook's second voyage
417Research at Transport Museum in two formats - oral history through interviews about people's memories of travelling on or working for London Transport. Another group was based at the Museum researching objects for a planned Handling Collection
420Researching the artist-keepers of Dulwich Picture Gallery, Ralph Cockburn and S.P.Denning, in nineteenth century
421Introduction to archives at LMA - acquisitions, cataloguing, reprographics, conservation, cleaning processes and storage.
422Renewable sources of energy, looking at solar, photovoltaic cells, underground coils etc
168Investigation of BFI films featuring older women, involving Wembley Film Group from Brent U3A. U3A members nationwide involved via questionnaire
487Background research on the role of WRENs at Greenwich for their Centenary in 2017.
580Research into housing for working women after WW1, using a recently discovered archive belonging to Women's Pioneer Housing. This project was the brain child of a prominent suffragist, Etheldred Browning.
584The U3A and The Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) are instigating a Shared Learning Project (SLP) to produce a virtual tour of items from the Society's Museum and Archive that are not normally on permanent display. The aim is to make a range of interesting and important items available on the internet through appropriate visual images and audio descriptions. It will be possible to take a 'guided tour' through the items, creating an on line virtual museum that will greatly increase awareness and knowledge of items in the collection.
520The Thames Discovery Programme is a community archaeology project, training and supporting volunteers to record and monitor archaeology on the Thames foreshore. A recent grant from the City Bridge Trust is for a new project to engage older Londoners, particularly people aged over 75, in the archaeology of the Thames foreshore.
611The second part of a 3-year ESRC funded research project in which we investigate the impact of ageing on speech communication in good and difficult listening conditions. In the first part of the study, we focused on speech production, and in this second part, we are inviting volunteers to take part in a listening study.
612To explore the ways in which museum visitors ‘receive’ an exhibition or permanent display, which is crucial to the development of optimum museum provisions for all. The project will take place at the Museum of London.
613Museum memories - this study is exploring what makes for a memorable museum visit
615A project to relate participants' experience of exercise in green spaces and the natural environment in childhood to their resilience in older age, based on cortisol levels which will be tested through saliva sampling, as well as heart monitoring
631A revolution in shipbuilding technology took place in the 1800s, from wooden, sail-powered ships to metal-hulled steam-powered vessels. At the same time, the London shipbuilding industry moved from being on the south bank of the river to the north bank. Why were some companies able to transition to the new technologies when others were not?
678Locating the lost histories of the City of London in the late 17th century through the Restoration Hearth Tax and other historical sources. The Hearth Tax provides evidence of who lived in every property, its taxable wealth and location. Volunteers will be provided with core hearth tax data which will be used as a basis from which to explore the early modern history of the area and the lives of the local people.
679Locating the lost histories of south east London in the late 17th century through the Restoration Hearth Tax and other historical sources. The Hearth Tax provides evidence of who lived in every property, its taxable wealth and location. Volunteers will be provided with core hearth tax data which will be used as a basis from which to explore the early modern history of the area and the lives of the local people..
685This project will seek to look into the impact of the Great Plague, the epidemic of bubonic plague which affected London in 1665, on the residents of Charterhouse, and its close neighbour across Smithfield, St Bartholomew’s Hospital.
693A list of the more unusual U3A study groups in the London Region - about 70 of them - where the number for a specific group within the capital is in single figures or in some cases where there is only one group covering the subject.
714A one day workshop to learn about and discuss the increaingly complex world of digital music. All volunteers were videoed individually. There was a follow up video session and U3A volunteers were on view in a video loop at the RCA Design annual research exhibition.
750The Year of the Plague,
755Study is to investigate how people’s physical fitness is related to their mental abilities such as memory and attention.
758Chariot Register - long term project on dementia prevention research, with subjects not showing symptoms, in association with Charing Cross Hospital,
764Study of older people's experience of technology in the past, and currently of that used for payments and banking.
765Often hearing aid users report difficulty hearing speech in noisy environments as well as identifying where the speech is coming from. We have developed a new way of testing this to work towards improving the performance of hearing aids in these situations.
778The Botanical Institute is partnering the U3A in an SLP to discover more of its history and traditions. We will need participants to interview key botanists who have been involved in the Institute over many years and to capture untold stories about their passion for plants and experiences at the SLBI.
780Neighbourhoods of the Future - aim is to design better homes for older adults – improving health, care, design and technology.The role of the U3A cohort will develop over time but is likely to include informing the project at an early enough stage to influence design, giving feedback on project proposals or design ideas, providing insight (potentially testing products and assistive technology) and contributing ideas – even potentially co-creating where cohort members' expertise permits.
784FIT for Screening study - to find Patient and Public Representatives with the Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group (CSPRG). The CSPRG are particularly interested in involving individuals in our research who have an interest in the area of bowel cancer screening. The length of involvement will be one year initially and reviewed annually. The Patient and Public Representatives (PPR) will be:  Involved in reviewing research materials e.g. study protocol, grant applications and plain English summaries.  Expected to attend up to two workshops.  Providing advice to CSPRG researchers to ensure that patient and public involvement (PPI) is included throughout the study. There is also an opportunity for PPRs to have a role in the Trial Steering Committee meeting and Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, if they wish. Full training and support will be provided throughout the involvement by the CSPRG
808Our study will be investigating attention and memory and how these change throughout our lives. It will use technology such as an eye tracker and the experiment will include an array of tasks.
826We are interested in how people with a normal history of reading and visual perception perform on a range of behavioural tests. This data will be compared to that of patients with reading and visual perception difficulties caused as a result of brain injury, such as stroke.
827For many people with a hearing loss, cochlear implants are used with the intention of improving hearing. However, large variations remain in the benefit provided by a cochlear implant on an individual basis. Predicting the differences has been a challenge, but being able to do so may help to alleviate some of the problems.
828We are interested in how the brain recovers following brain injury (e.g. Stroke). The knowledge will help us to understand why some people make a rapid recovery after brain damage but other people make a poor recovery. This research is conducted using structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
834We are interested in how the brain recovers following brain injury (e.g. Stroke). The knowledge will help us to understand why some people make a rapid recovery after brain damage but other people make a poor recovery. This research is conducted using structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
835The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of a new measures, known as functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), to look at brain patterns to sound. We hope to compare this technique to EEG, and apply it with normal hearing adults, and adults with cochlear implants.
836In this study, we are interested in how participants with normal history of reading and visual perception development perform on a range of behavioural tests. We will also ask you to complete an MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). This uses a strong magnetic field to take pictures of the brain and will take place at UCL. This data will be compared to results from patients with reading and visual perception impairments caused as a result of brain injury, such as stroke.
837How extensive were Suffragette militant acts and what forms did they take? Join us as we delve into the online newspaper archives to discover how far some Suffragettes were willing to take the motto 'deeds not words'.
839What was the response to the first mass Chartist petition presented to Parliament in 1839? Join us as we delve into contemporary newspaper archives and biographies of key figures to find out more.
840The Great Unrest - The period 1910-1914 saw a wave of industrial action across Britain. In this Research Retreat we will look at one month in particular to map, using contemporary newspaper accounts, the scale of the challenge facing the government.
841Peers vs the People - What was the press coverage like of the constitutional crisis that followed the House of Lords' attempts to frustrate Lloyd George's 1909 budget, dubbed 'the People's Budget'? Join us as we explore the newspaper archives.
851Although audio guides are offered in many museums and galleries, very little research has looked at people’s experience of audio resources. Researchers from the University of Westminster are looking at experiences of recorded audio for a series of photos, taken from the collections of the Museum of London.
852PREDICT-PD is an innovative project that aims to identify people at high risk of Parkinson’s before the symptoms appear. We are using a set of simple online tests that screen for factors linked to increased risk of Parkinson’s. We want to know whether a person’s combined score in these tests can tell us about their risk of developing Parkinson’s.
853Designing for Low Dexterity -
854FIT kit perception and acceptability study and workshop. This is an opportunity to help to improve a bowel cancer detection test by making it easier and more acceptable for future patients to use. The purpose of the study is to better understand your views of a new stool (poo) sample test called the FIT kit.
863A study funded by Alzheimers Research UK. This study will help us learn more about how people navigate and, specifically, how peoples' abilities to navigate decline with age.
889We are a group of researchers at University College London and we are looking for individuals aged 55+ to participate in a small group discussion about your experiences with mobile games, what motivates you to play games and your likes and dislikes. Your insights will really help us learn more about how you view gaming, which we hope will allow us to develop more engaging therapies for stroke and dementia in the future!
890A research study in older people who are experiencing problems with their memory and/or attention, but who have been told by a healthcare professional that their memory and/or attention is normal. I am particularly interested in finding out whether there is a relationship between how we think and feel about things and self-reported problems with memory and/or attention, satisfaction with life and mood.
893A study with people aged 55+, particularly to find out how to make a gaming app more attractive for them through proper design, by inviting some participants to join in a group discussion.
894Technology Familiarity Questionnaire - to assess people's familiarity with and attitude to technology devices.
896A study related to navigational ability among 50-70 year-olds. Investigating how people rely on their memory for navigating, as well as monitoring movement patterns, could give us important clues into what patterns could potentially be an indicator of early onset Alzheimer’s.
897A survey in preparation for launch of the East End Women's Museum. The museum will have a permanent space in Barking in less than two years and we are trying to collect people's ideas and input as to what they'd like to see represented in the museum, what sort of facilities it should have etc.
902St Botolph Aldersgate: Women Printers and Booksellers in 1666. The second blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Lisa Vine. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Lisa worked with other documents to trace the stories of women printers and booksellers in 1666.
901The Druggists of Bucklersbury - The third blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Peter Cox. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Peter investigated the ‘druggists’ of Bucklersbury Street in the City parishes of St Stephen Walbrook and St Benet Sherehog.
900The Parish of St Margaret New Fish Street in 1666 - The fourth blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Barbara Sanders. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Barbara presents an incredibly detailed picture of the intramural parish of St Margaret New Fish Street in 1666.
899The story of Thomas Elwood, Tyler & Brickmaker, and underdog… The fifth blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Jane Harrington. Using the Hearth Tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Jane presents the story of one Thomas Elwood.
905This is research that is being conducted with Anthony Nolan, the charity that saves lives of people with blood cancer. Anthony Nolan is working with researchers at Lancaster University to understand how members of the public feel about the donation of stem cells for a variety of health conditions as well as for research. As part of this work, we'd like to invite members of the public to participate in a focus group to get their thoughts.
919We are interested in different cognitive processes such as reasoning, memory, and attention, and their role in people’s ability to remember intentions for the future. It is important to understand these processes, so that we can help individuals maintain their independence and wellbeing across the lifespan.
925U3A Members from across South West and South East London have taken part in five shared Shared Learning Projects with the Langdon Down Museum of Learning Disability at Teddington. This is the sixth, Normansfield and the Written Word.; correspondence and newspapers
927The Hearth Tax and and the minister David Barton of St Margaret New Fish Street. This latest blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Barbara Sanders. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Barbara revealed the life of the minister David Barton, resident in the intramural parish of St Margaret New Fish Street in 1666.
928Thomas Padnall and the ‘Sunne’ inn, St Margaret New Fish Street in 1666. This latest blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is by Barbara Sanders. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Barbara reveals the life of Thomas Padnall, resident in the intramural parish of St Margaret New Fish Street in 1666. This builds on her earlier blogs, where the parish itself was detailed and the life of David Barton was revealed.
929The Hearth Tax and a series of lives at All Hallows Staining This latest blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is derived from a series of lives that Joan Hardinges researched at the north-eastern intramural parish of All Hallows Staining. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Joan revealed the wider lives of three quite different individuals making the parish home in 1666.
930The Aristocracy of St Botolph’s Aldersgate in 1666 This latest blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is derived from the work of Aelwyn Taylor, Jane Harrington and Lisa Vine. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, they reveal the lives of the aristocratic residents at the northern suburban parish of St Botolph’s Aldersgate.
931The Parish of St Katherine Coleman in 1666 This blog in our series from the work of University of the Third Age members participating in the Shared Learning Project with the British Academy Hearth Tax Project, Centre for Hearth Tax Research, is derived from the work of Pauline Brown and Maryke Koomans. Using the hearth tax returns from the City of London and Middlesex as a starting point, Pauline and Maryke present a view of the City parish of St Katherine Coleman in 1666.
935The University of Westminster is working in collaboration with the Chelsea Physic Garden, the oldest botanic garden in London. This project is about exploring people's experience of sensory descriptive tours, which may include touch, scent and even taste. The aim is to understand what makes for a successful and enjoyable tour.
933We are running a study examining bodily awareness in dance and movement. The study involves learning to perform two different dance/movement exercises and completing questionnaires and computerised tasks measuring bodily awareness and mood.
958We are a group of researchers at University College London (UK). We are studying the effect of hearing problems on quality of life. We are especially interested in comparing the effect of hearing loss that occurs as one gets older with the hearing loss that occurs in a certain rare neurological condition (infratentorial superficial siderosis). This study will help us understand how hearing problems may affect the quality of life in both groups and how they differ between the two. This may be valuable in the clinical setting in the future.
959A research project to better understand how individuals find their way around cities and how this changes as they get older. The research includes an online task requiring participants to navigate from two points within London, and provide directions as they go along. This is followed by a series of survey questions.
967A survey asking people over 70 to complete several questionnaires about their wellbeing, coping strategies, and levels of social contact. The survey also asks people questions designed to measure their 'social cognition', which refers to a person's ability to understand other people's emotions and points of view.
968The study aims to examine how different kinds of memory are affected by ageing, and how different types of cognitive (mental) processing affect memory. We are comparing the performance of healthy young adults (aged 18-30 years) and healthy older adults (aged 65 years and over), and also measuring changes over time.
969This online survey will ask people over 70 to complete several questionnaires about their wellbeing, coping strategies, and levels of social contact. The survey also asks people questions designed to measure their 'social cognition', which refers to a person's ability to understand other people's emotions and points of view.
970Between January and June 2018, a shared learning project was run with the University of the Third Age in Greenwich. As with the London and Middlesex SLP, the team was charged with using the hearth tax returns as a starting point and following their interest to reveal stories of Greenwich and the people who lived there in the late seventeenth century. In this post, Michael Zell and Jackie Davies investigate the people that lived in the High Street East and King’s Barn areas of Greenwich.
971Between January and June 2018, a shared learning project was run with the University of the Third Age in Greenwich. As with the London and Middlesex SLP, the team was charged with using the hearth tax returns as a starting point and following their interest to reveal stories of Greenwich and the people who lived there in the late seventeenth century. In this post, Carolyn Heathcote shows continuity in the exempt status of some people living in the Church Wall area of East Greenwich and finds references in the parish registers to people possibly connected with those living in Church Wall (who were listed in the hearth tax return).
972Between January and June 2018, a shared learning project was run with the University of the Third Age in Greenwich. As with the London and Middlesex SLP, the team was charged with using the hearth tax returns as a starting point and following their interest to reveal stories of Greenwich and the people who lived there in the late seventeenth century. Over the next few weeks, we will share their work through the blog. In this post, Michael Zell andHazel Beale introduce the area and the Hearth Tax for Lady Day 1664.
1018An online research project to explore how psychological factors such as anxiety influence balance. These results will inform new NHS strategies to reduce the risk of falls.
1019A research project that is exploring opportunities to create innovative design solutions in the digital space for people transitioning from full-time work into retirement or semi-retirement. We are looking for research participants who would like to be involved in the design process by sharing personal experiences and providing feedback on prototypes.
1034An online research project, about an inclusive online tour of the Chelsea Physic Garden. With Covid-19 impacting on our ability to visit historic gardens in person, we wanted to explore ways to bring the Chelsea Physic Garden to people at home. We have created an inclusive video tour which introduces you to the delights that this unique heritage site has to offer. By taking part in the study, you will provide invaluable feedback to help us, and the Chelsea Physic Garden, understand how to develop engaging and inclusive online tours. Our objective is to develop ways for us all to access and enjoy our cultural heritage at home.
1036The Beetle Project is looking at strategies which aim to improve recovery and reduce time spent in hospital for older adults who go in for planned procedures. We would like to work with people aged 60 or over who have been admitted to hospital overnight for a planned procedure; or carers, family, and friends who have supported older adults around their hospital admission. A ‘planned procedure’ is basically a non-emergency admission to hospital for something like surgery. We are creating an advisory group to ensure the perspectives of patients and carers are considered and addressed.
1039A project to examine older adults’ views and experiences of using herbal medicines and dietary supplements to promote health in later life. This will involve one to one interviews, conducted online or by telephone. This is an important subject especially as we climb out of the pandemic and should provide an overview of the healthcare issues that older adults choose to address using herbal medicine/dietary supplements. Are they preventative or taken when users are unwell or diagnosed with a condition? Do they discuss any of this choice with GP's and healthcare professionals and what is the feedback from this? The study will also look at the polypharmacy awareness aspects and potential interactions with traditional prescribed medication.
1042Grocery shopping is considered one of the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living which helps older people live independently. This research aims to explore the grocery shopping experiences in a physical store of customers aged 65 and over in the UK and to design better solutions by using emerging technologies that supermarkets could adopt.
1043We are seeking participants for an online study that investigates how listening abilities change during healthy aging. The study will involve listening to various artificial and speech sounds and answering some questions about them.
1054The purpose of this study is to better understand how people over 65 form beliefs about their ability to remember things and how these beliefs may positively or negatively impact their life experiences.
1055We would like to know how well commercial hearing aids perform in situations that you may often experience. Many hard-of-hearing people complain about their hearing aids in noisy or reverberant places, for example in a restaurant, a car or kitchen. However, manufacturers rarely try out their products in such daily environments, typically using artificial sounds in laboratory settings. Hence, it is difficult to know which hearing aid works best in different real life situations. I
1062Having run a study investigating how older people understand speech in noisy places (like cafes and restaurants), we are looking to publish these results. Following up on this work we are now running another study looking at brain responses, using an MEG scan. One of our objectives is to provide the groundwork for the development of clinical tests to improve diagnosis and treatment of specific hearing problems. Recent evidence also suggests these may be correlated with earlier onset of dementia, and we believe that this makes this kind of research even more relevant.
1067A continuation of the funded project to bring this Collection to new audiences, a new SLP will look at social history through the many advertisements in the theatre programmes.
1075We are looking for participants interested in contributing to our understanding of how vision can help us listen better in noisy environments. This research is funded by the UCLH/UCL Biomedical Research Centre. You would be taking part in our study of speech perception, which is a paid opportunity. This involves running a set of speech perception-related tasks in a single visit at the UCL Ear Institute
1082This is a study about how we make judgements about other people’s personalities, cognitive abilities and thoughts. The study is completed online and involves watching video-recorded interviews and answering some questions about them.
1083This project will help us to evaluate a new questionnaire which asks individuals why they may decide to buy, take in or keep items in their home. We hope it will help researchers and clinicians to support those who have difficulties related to this, specifically problems with hoarding.