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Found 7 projects for which the description matched your query. Click on project ID for more detail on the project.

163U3A and Men - Survey of male membership and gender imbalance in U3As across London, NW Surrey, and nationally, in comparison with the demographics.
510Merton U3A Membership Survey 2013. Questionnaire included questions on sources of information on U3A, reasons for joining and preferred methods and venues for learning .
511Merton U3A New Members' Survey 2014. Questionnaire used in Merton 2013 Membership Survey was given to members who had recently joined.
512Merton U3A Non-Renewal Survey 2015. Telephone interviews to establish why ex-members chose not to renew their membership.
554In Search of Echoes: Distinct echoes are often heard when sound is reflected. In this talk it's explained how echoes come about and describes some unusual examples including flutter echoes, musical echoes, culvert whistlers, whispering galleries, reverberation, as well as how to have a dialogue with an echo and much more.
687We are all fascinated by how our memories work. Why is it we cannot remember where we put the car keys, but have no problem remembering how to drive the car? This talk looks at how memory works, how reliable it is and what we can do to improve it.
710Merton and its groups