research database

Projects with topic Ageing

There are now 133 projects under the topic Ageing.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

1Ageing & memory changes
5Ageing and well being
8Gaze & walking - how visual problems may limit physical activity
9Effects of technology in over fifties
10PACE dept / ageing
13Research looking at how older people make plans and how these change
14Online research study to gather data for dementia prevention. 'Protect' study will examine how genes and lifestyle affect cognition in older adults over time
15Various projects including elder abuse, pensions & poverty, housing & technology, end of life care, prevention of falls, biology of ageing
17Ageing - weekly research circle
31How the brain processing of information from hearing changes with age
32Thinking styles & brain changes related to clinical depression with & without Type 2 diabetes in older adults
34Use of brain imaging to understand changes in the brain associated with normal ageing
35How ageing affects our ability to combine information from our senses (see, feel and hear)
37How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
40Recent project on getting older
41Technology and older people
42Research study on memory in the elderly, using brains scans and simple tasks
43OPTIMA project on ageing brains
46Memory and emotion in ageing
47Project on active older people
49Age related studies
50Older people and the internet
51How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
55Research into the effect of ageing on the immune system - to understand why this declines as people get older.
57Vocal emotions and ageing
62Impact of ageing on speech communication
68Development of garments for active walkers, especially over age 65
78Aughton and Ormskirk U3A trialled Mindfit, computer-based programme to keep the brain efficient. It is designed to combat the natural slowing of cognitive skills.
409Study of the relationship between brain functions and speech/hearing performances in both elderly normal-hearing and hearing-impaired individuals and try to establish frameworks to help improve hearing performances of elderly people.
364Investigation into age and well being
378To measure psychological strengths of the well elderly, eg gratitude,hope, optimism, curiosity and forgiveness and how they relate to wellbeing
416Age UK wants experiences of health care from over 65s with the aim of reforming the current system
461Not Old but Gold - The Positive Contribution of Older People to Society
309Study to scan hearts of healthy men over 80, to look for abnormal protein deposits occurring in a condition called ATTR amyloidosis.
493Research to develop a training programme to improve the use of memory for past events in healthy older adults. We are looking for volunteers over the age of 70 to take part in this autobiographical memory training. The results of this work may help us to develop a programme that could one day be used to prevent further decline in people with more significant memory problems. Autobiographical memory also has links to emotional and social functions, therefore we think that training this particular type of memory can have multiple benefits to overall wellbeing in later life.
494Research looking at how ageing influences muscle function and thus balance and mobility. We are looking to enrol frail men over 65 years old who suffer from weak muscles and are not as active and mobile as they used to be.
495Cognitive training and transcranial stimulation in over-60s. Participants will perform several cognitive tasks on computers over eight visits to the Experimental Psychology Department. EEG recordings of brain activity will also be performed.
496A pilot study looking at how both teachers’ experiences of ageing,and their relationships with their pupils, have changed from 1970 to the present
499Age-related changes in remembering and forgetting emotional words: an electrophysiological analysis
500The U3A, the elderly and the need for research into educational gerontology: an opinion by Dr. Jens J. Hansen
531Neural correlates of face blindness across different age groups to show a developmental trajectory.
532Study looking at whether brain stimulation can improve moods in healthy older adults
553The acceptability of reducing sedentary behaviour to older adults. Volunteers were interviewed to ask the amount of physical activity that they do and why they may chooose to do little activity.
557Intolerance of uncertainty, worry and engagement in personally meaningful activities in older adults
560Five members of Ilkley U3A have produced a collection of articles on assisted dying.
571Methodology was to have participants react to stimuli provided by a computer programme and a DNA swab was taken. The research concerned researching the risk factors relating to memory as aging occurs. The risk factor being considered was a particular gene which was thought to affect memory loss.
337Clinical Psychology Research Study: developing more reliable and accurate ways of assessing thinking and behaviour in ageing using questionnaires, computerized tasks and pen-and-paper tasks. Participants included healthy over 60s as well as those with Parkinsons and Dementia
338Physiotherapy research project: To what extent are different sensations in the foot and ankle impaired as part of the ageing process?
194Developing Computerised Measures of Cognition in Aging. Individuals without any known neurological impairment took part in a large scale study validating the use the computerised assessments of cognition. This study will in part help inform the develop of tasks to aid early detection of cognitive decline. Participants were asked to compete a range of computerised tasks and paper and pen tasks
576Physiotherapy Research Project: a study of active older adults to investigate why people choose to be physically active
577A Study to better understand how ageing affects the eye
582The Dept. of Psychology at the University of Westminster, in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, is seeking volunteers for a project investigating how combining information from different senses (seeing and hearing) impacts on memory in older adults with and without age-related memory differences.
583This study aims to investigate the effect of ageing on motor control in speech. As we age, the way our brain decodes speech changes in important ways, and we are using exciting new techniques, including transcranial magnetic stimulation, to gain insights into how this happens.
587Students from Duksung University in Seoul, South Korea visited Plymouth U3A as part of their research into educational fulfilment in the third age.
591Five U3As known as CHaTTR U3As, in the Thames Valley network, have researched the River Thame, a tributary of the Thames. Many different groups looked at historic buildings, footpaths and walks, the flora and fauna and the geology while others produced photographs, paintings, poetry and a banner.
601A response to the challenges facing the NHS and society by our ageing population. One proposed solution is to increase social interactions between the elderly and various different volunteering schemes to increase social interaction through various activities. We would like to gain an insight into the different forms of more academic stimulation provided by your services and the impact that they have had on your participants. We hope to develop a structure which could be applicable on a larger scale to help solve issues such as loneliness, depression and isolation that the vulnerable elderly are likely to face.
611The second part of a 3-year ESRC funded research project in which we investigate the impact of ageing on speech communication in good and difficult listening conditions. In the first part of the study, we focused on speech production, and in this second part, we are inviting volunteers to take part in a listening study.
615A project to relate participants' experience of exercise in green spaces and the natural environment in childhood to their resilience in older age, based on cortisol levels which will be tested through saliva sampling, as well as heart monitoring
628To address the impact of learning two or more languages on the cognitive decline due to ageing and investigate its potential use for offsetting the effects of age related degenerative disorders in adults and the elderly.
635The effects of ageing on multisensory integration
638The effects of motion on memory - we are interested in investigating the association between space and time. More specifically, we want to see how observing motion can induce mental time travel, and in turn whether this affects performance in a memory task.
641Investigating the impact of ageing on speech communication in good and difficult listening conditions.
642A study which investigates the effect of ageing on sound perception and listening abilities in busy environments (such as a bustling train station or a loud restaurant).
654MindEd - e-learning to support healthy minds; this project is about providing resources specifically written with older people in mind who may be experiencing distressing mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, confusion and addictions. Previously we have provided free, online, education about child and teen mental health for any adult; professional, volunteer or parent, who works with or cares for children or teens.We have recently been commissioned by NHS England and Health Education England to extend the scope of our learning and advice to cover aspects of the mental health of older people.
659The aim of this study was to explore what people know about cognitive impairment to gain a better understanding of how people view this and what people have heard about this previously. Understanding what people know and do not know about cognitive impairment will allow us to develop information in the future which can better inform people about this.
662Education plays a key role in the fight against isolation and loneliness among older citizens - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 1st March 2016, Issue 261. It includes a reply to the main article by Pam Jones, National Chair of U3A
683Comparison of cognitive profiles of individuals over the age of 50 with and without ASD. Although a lot of research has been done with younger people with autism, very little research has looked at older people with and without autism. Developing a better understanding of the memory and cognitive abilities of older adults with ASD will aid understanding of potential cognitive decline in this group and tailoring of psychosocial and support interventions for them.
695An experimental study of the relationship between memory and balance in an older population
713Members of the Cultural Activities in Care Homes project work with local care homes to arrange events to enhance the quality of residents’ lives and encourage their inclusion in meaningful activities. The project offers a range of cultural and leisure opportunities to residents and includes performances by local musicians and school children; reminiscence sessions with small groups and life story work with individuals.
719Investigating Autism Spectrum Disorders across the lifespan
730Multi-modal study regarding the value of non-pharmacological intervention in Alzheimer's
731Defying Dementia
732Eye tracking as an early indicator of Alzheimer's
739Northampton U3A's Leathercraft Activity Group became volunteers on the National Leather Collection's project to help sort and catalogue 800-plus boxes of leather related objects, including fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls and leather under garments.
741Young and old learning together - Seaham Harbour U3A compared how it's done here and in Germany
745Hayling Island has an HLF grant to document the social history of the Island from 1914-1946
755Study is to investigate how people’s physical fitness is related to their mental abilities such as memory and attention.
760An EEG study of word processing
758Chariot Register - long term project on dementia prevention research, with subjects not showing symptoms, in association with Charing Cross Hospital,
763The way older people engage with and contribute to arts and heritage in North Kent - action research
764Study of older people's experience of technology in the past, and currently of that used for payments and banking.
767Pershore's Family History group has produced a booklet for beginners to the subject
772Winston Chruchill in Epping Forest. My interest in the topic was due to the tenuous link of our names and the surprise of learning that Winston Churchill was MP for the area. The project began as a tour of places within EFDC that Winston Churchill had been associated with but discussions with the museum led to the final display being a map indicating where he had been, using photos from their collection to annotate the map. The research included contact with many local historical groups, Conservative party and the Churchill Archives Centre in Cambridge. Winston Churchill’s young Conservative chairman in Woodford whilst he was MP, Tony Woodhead, also provided some valuable information from first-hand knowledge.
776‘No pasarán’: The Battle of Cable Street is remembered as a legendary moment in the history of the East End. Powerfully represented in a striking mural, the memory of Cable Street has been physically marked on the capital and the events of 80 years ago will be celebrated this week in events across London. 1 Cable Street, though, also raises questions about the nature of cultural and collective memory and the role archives and documentary evidence play in maintaining or challenging that memory.
777Cuffay, the son of a former slave, was a leading figure in the Chartist movement, the first mass popular political movement in Britain. He was transported to Australia for allegedly planning an uprising against the British government.
780Neighbourhoods of the Future - aim is to design better homes for older adults – improving health, care, design and technology.The role of the U3A cohort will develop over time but is likely to include informing the project at an early enough stage to influence design, giving feedback on project proposals or design ideas, providing insight (potentially testing products and assistive technology) and contributing ideas – even potentially co-creating where cohort members' expertise permits.
808Our study will be investigating attention and memory and how these change throughout our lives. It will use technology such as an eye tracker and the experiment will include an array of tasks.
817Reading emotions in faces - changes in ageing - an experimental study
818The question is whether learning a language, even in later life, has a significant effect on the brain’s cognitive abilities and resistance to degenerative illnesses. Edinburgh University is offering to repeat an exercise carried out with the popular BBC series Trust Me I’m a Doctor, specifically with U3A members in Scotland.
821Article - The Effect of Learning on Wellbeing in Older Adults in England by Jenkins & Mostafa
822Article - The Benefits of Learning in Later Life; an editorial essay by F.Kolland
823Article - A Better Future of Us All - NIACE
833A questionnaire-based survey investigating how well-being in retirement is affected by psychological factors.
853Designing for Low Dexterity -
856We are currently running a study that uses virtual reality to validate an assessment tool that will help with the assessment of cognitive deficits such as Dementia.
860A study investigatingwellbeing in retirement and how it is affected by psychological factors
863A study funded by Alzheimers Research UK. This study will help us learn more about how people navigate and, specifically, how peoples' abilities to navigate decline with age.
864Qualitative survey of hearing experiences of members attending Worcester U3A groups
870Social prescribing is essentially about steps to keep healthy in your Third Age, with GPs guiding well people into paths or activities to help them stay that way. A plan that fits in well with that philosophy is maintaining a personal record of those activities that ensure a sound and balanced lifestyle that is right for you. Heswall U3A member, John Bews, has developed what he calls a MeMap (a simple chart with yourself in the centre). This is used as part of a memory workshop which we run together. The ideas are very much in line with recommendations from The Global Council on Brain Health, as the workshop always seeks to ensure that the best current medical advice is used. The presenters are essentially enablers – seeking to pass on expert guidance, with indication of the authoritative source.
889We are a group of researchers at University College London and we are looking for individuals aged 55+ to participate in a small group discussion about your experiences with mobile games, what motivates you to play games and your likes and dislikes. Your insights will really help us learn more about how you view gaming, which we hope will allow us to develop more engaging therapies for stroke and dementia in the future!
890A research study in older people who are experiencing problems with their memory and/or attention, but who have been told by a healthcare professional that their memory and/or attention is normal. I am particularly interested in finding out whether there is a relationship between how we think and feel about things and self-reported problems with memory and/or attention, satisfaction with life and mood.
893A study with people aged 55+, particularly to find out how to make a gaming app more attractive for them through proper design, by inviting some participants to join in a group discussion.
894Technology Familiarity Questionnaire - to assess people's familiarity with and attitude to technology devices.
896A study related to navigational ability among 50-70 year-olds. Investigating how people rely on their memory for navigating, as well as monitoring movement patterns, could give us important clues into what patterns could potentially be an indicator of early onset Alzheimer’s.
903Loss of power in old age: a question of force or velocity?
914U3Aness is good for you. Concern about the health effects of loneliness in older people is part of the motivation behind the government strategy on loneliness. Loneliness is a risk factor for poor health and dementia; some argue that it is worse than smoking. One proposal in the policy is the expansion of social prescribing services – “Social prescribing connects people to community groups and services” so that, for example, GPs can prescribe such things as dancing, gardening etc., according to an individual’s social, emotional or practical needs. It is predicted that social prescribing will be in every GP practise within the next two years.
919We are interested in different cognitive processes such as reasoning, memory, and attention, and their role in people’s ability to remember intentions for the future. It is important to understand these processes, so that we can help individuals maintain their independence and wellbeing across the lifespan.
923U3A Robot Challenge 2019. Robots have proved to be an endless source of fun and more importantly, for learning new skills and technology for many science groups.
926This is a research study investigating the 'Housing Preferences of an Ageing Society in the UK'. UK residents ages 55+ are invited to take part in a questionnaire survey on this topic. By participating in this study, you will be helping us to understand the needs of people in your age group. This will potentially impact on future housing developments, promoting residents’ health and wellbeing.
936What do U3As want from learning? This was the theme of a small research project conducted on behalf of the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) for its Older and Bolder initiative, which aims to persuade educational providers of all kinds to recognise, cater for and encourage older learners. An important part of this campaign has been to update basic data about what kinds of learning older people take up and why, and in what numbers.
937Get the Knowledge - is it possible for 155,000 people to keep a secret?
942Debate of the Age; many U3As took part in the wide-ranging discussions of the Debate of the Age and contributed points of view from retired people. The future of health provision, work patterns, housing and pensions were all part of the survey of future trends in an ageing population.
967A survey asking people over 70 to complete several questionnaires about their wellbeing, coping strategies, and levels of social contact. The survey also asks people questions designed to measure their 'social cognition', which refers to a person's ability to understand other people's emotions and points of view.
968The study aims to examine how different kinds of memory are affected by ageing, and how different types of cognitive (mental) processing affect memory. We are comparing the performance of healthy young adults (aged 18-30 years) and healthy older adults (aged 65 years and over), and also measuring changes over time.
969This online survey will ask people over 70 to complete several questionnaires about their wellbeing, coping strategies, and levels of social contact. The survey also asks people questions designed to measure their 'social cognition', which refers to a person's ability to understand other people's emotions and points of view.
979Design/Age was a project run by the Royal College of Art. U3A Design/Age was a subset of the main project, looking at ways that the world of the future could be made age-friendly. This included diffentiating between different age groups within the term 'elderly' where a 50 year old, a seventy year old and a ninety year old will have very different capabilities.
981Richmond U3A's Current Affairs group held discussions based on the Millennium Debate proposals. These were Health & Care, Paying for Age, Work & Lifestyles, Values & Attitudes and The Built Environment. The group came to a number of conclusions on the type of changes necessary if an ageing population is to function more effectively. They felt the prevailing value system was one of the major influences on attitudes, priorities and allocation of resources.
982U3A in London set up a Debate of the Age Study Group to discuss the Millennium Debate and concentrated on just one of the five themes, Values and Attitudes. They prepared a questionnaire and worked with a local secondary school where a Year 8 class was already working on a 'granny project'. A final report on the work was submitted to the Age Concern Millennium Debate.
992U3A's 5th decade - Quo Vadis?
991A New Narrative for Ageing - are we ready for the 100 year life?
993Age Friendly London - an account of the U3A's involvement in the Mayor's initiative for London to become an age friendly city.
1001Article by Heinz Wolff of Brunel University on the Millennium Homes Project, which looked at the role of technology in supporting older peole in homes of their choice.
1004Working with other organisations, Witney U3A helped to create a new network, 'Older and Bolder in West Oxfordshire' which meets regularly to plan and implement initiatives with older people. This included lobbying for the reinstatement of adult education classes and making closer links with Ruskin College, in Oxford.
1019A research project that is exploring opportunities to create innovative design solutions in the digital space for people transitioning from full-time work into retirement or semi-retirement. We are looking for research participants who would like to be involved in the design process by sharing personal experiences and providing feedback on prototypes.
1025Request from ARCHA for volunteers who want to help improve quality of life in older age.
1039A project to examine older adults’ views and experiences of using herbal medicines and dietary supplements to promote health in later life. This will involve one to one interviews, conducted online or by telephone. This is an important subject especially as we climb out of the pandemic and should provide an overview of the healthcare issues that older adults choose to address using herbal medicine/dietary supplements. Are they preventative or taken when users are unwell or diagnosed with a condition? Do they discuss any of this choice with GP's and healthcare professionals and what is the feedback from this? The study will also look at the polypharmacy awareness aspects and potential interactions with traditional prescribed medication.
1040The U3A Future Lives Group is looking at several aspects of Ageing Well - Positive Ageing; Housing; Care and Carers. The Housing group has produced a questionnaire to help people reflect on whether the place where they live at present will be suitable for their future lives.
1042Grocery shopping is considered one of the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living which helps older people live independently. This research aims to explore the grocery shopping experiences in a physical store of customers aged 65 and over in the UK and to design better solutions by using emerging technologies that supermarkets could adopt.
1043We are seeking participants for an online study that investigates how listening abilities change during healthy aging. The study will involve listening to various artificial and speech sounds and answering some questions about them.
1049Write That Play! is a ten-week playwriting course for new and experienced playwrights, presented in conjunction with Citadel Arts of Edinburgh. Participants will work together on all aspects of writing plays and we plan to engage a small group of professional actors to perform work produced by course members. After the course participants will have the opportunity to join a playwriting group to further develop their writing skills and experience.
1061U3A members are needed to help improve housing for older people, by taking part in consumer research to produce a new ISO standard for age-friendly housing.